Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MIA and catch up

I am still here. Just been too busy reading all of the other inspiring and encouraging blogs out there. And let me tell you there alot of great blogs out there. Thank you wonderful ladies for sharing your creative ideas, encouragement and days with us. You have definitely been a big help in our homeschooling journey.

To catch up a bit, we are about to take a little summer break. One more day and we will be done for the official school year. Although, we will still be doing some math, reading, writing and some fun stuff. Just not as much and not as scheduled. But, when August 2nd. gets here we will start our new school year. We will have a 3rd. grader and an official kindergartener. Our youngest just started reading his first books this past weekend and he is so excited he tells everyone he can read. It is so cute and we are so proud of him. Thank you GOD for giving him the desire to learn to read, especially when our oldest doesn't like it and struggles with it so much.

Just wanted to update you in case you thought I fell off the face of the planet. God willing I will be spending more time sharing our journey with you.

For HIM,

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