Friday, January 23, 2009

When I am weak

Here I am trying to express to you what has been going on with us and I can't even get it out. All I keep hearing is my 7 year old dear son humming the Hot wheels theme. And my mind is blank. Have you been there??? Okay, here let's try this again. This last month has been like a roller coaster ride. Every since I decided my goal for this year was to go deeper into GOD and allow Him to fight my battles. The war has been on and satan has been on the prowl as usual. I have to be honest with you, sometimes I just want to give up and throw in the towel. And then I remember the race I am in and the price that has been paid and of course my love and devotion to my LORD and family. My hearts biggest desire is to have a meek and quiet spirit so my children will see JESUS in me. It's seems the harder I try the harder it gets...Am I the only one this happens to? My quiet time with the Lord in the morning is so good and then the day starts...I know the good I want to do, but don't do it. It's seems I do more apologizing to my children than I do disciplining. GOD please help me take captive the thoughts in my mind and keep me close to Your side today. I love you. Amen

Friday, January 9, 2009

He knows me

Do you know Jesus knows everything about you? He knows everything we think, what we are about to say, where we go, when we sit and when we rise. There is absolutely nothing we can hide from Him. And you know what? I am so glad that HE knows all of that and more. Because most of the time, I don't even know myself.
My Father knows me...and HE knows you too. Give HIM praise, for HE fearfully and wonderfully made you and HE is always thinking of you.
How precious to me are YOUR thoughts, O GOD! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. Psalm 139:17-18

Thank you, my precious Father for knowing me so well and for thinking of me so much. I love You.

God has brought me to Psalm 139 and has challenged me to set a goal for myself of reading it everyday for the next year. I am expecting it to be an amazing adventure, to say the least. How about you? Would you like to join me? If you do, please let me know what HE is doing in you...and through you.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another day

Well, another day and another sick little one. Last night was very interesting to say the least. Just when we thought things were looking up, Ian our 4 year old woke up vomitting all over the place on and off for most of the night. And then, early this morning when we thought Eli was doing better, he woke up crying about his head, arms and stomach hurting. Come to find out he was dehydrated. So my precious husband and I said a mighty prayer over him, put the liquids in him and I laid down beside him till daybreak. When he awoke he said "Mommy I feel better, God healed me." "And of course, HE did." I said... Now it is calm and GOD willing, our little babes will be bouncing around again tomorrow. GOD, You are my warrior and I am letting You take the battles on. I praise You, for when I am weak, You are strong. Blessed be Your name...


Monday, January 5, 2009

The Battles are on...

Well, if you read my post yesterday you would remember how I talked about my determination to get deeper into my Master this year. And how the battles would come. Well, they have started and I have been rebuking the old enemy all day thus far. My oldest little guy was sick this weekend with the stomach virus and messes were everywhere. I am not very good at handling messes such as these. However, I have and they are being taken care of. I haven't been very nice to my man and have been doing alot of apologizing as well. You see he has been off of work since Dec. 23 and our whole routine has been thrown off and out of wack. But, it was nice to have him home... He went back today, but not at the usual time he used to go. His hours have changed for the week and are 9-5:30 instead of 7-3:30. This is suppose to only be for a week...Please Lord, let it be...
Anyways, we were suppose to start back with home education this week. Doesn't look promising. I didn't get my quiet time this morning and it is showing. However, the boys and I had ours together. Just later than normal. And it was good...So after all is said and done I am still determined to grow deeper in my walk with the LORD. And I know He is battling for me every step of the way. PRAISE YOU LORD!


Sunday, January 4, 2009


I don't know about you but, I am very excited about the year we have ahead of us. God has so much waiting for us and my desire is to press on and get to know Him better. Deeper into Him is where I want to go and I am determined to not let anything get in my way. The battles ahead will not be easy. However, they are not my battles, the battle belongs to the Lord and I am His. WOW! Just writing that takes a large weight off of my shoulders. Praise YOU GOD, my Jehovah-nissi. Tomorrow will come and go but Your word says, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." 2 Chron. 20:15.

I Praise Him today for the battles will be won...

