Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mishmash Maggie: My Father's World Blog Roll 2009-2010

Mishmash Maggie: My Father's World Blog Roll 2009-2010
Go over and check out this blog if you are using or considering My Father's World. Lainie did an awesome job with this button (found on my sidebar). It's so cute...And she is such a blessing for doing this for all of us out there searching for inspiration. So click on the blog roll link above and it will take you to Lainie's blog and also a list of other MFW blogger friends with much inspiration to share.
This year we are doing a mixture of curriculum to try and smooth out some rough patches with reading for my oldest little guy. So we decided to go back and do My Father's World 1st grade. When Eli, my oldest son, was in Kindergarten we did the MFW A-Z and absolutely loved it. But he really had a hard time with the phonics part. So we stopped with the phonics part and continued with the rest of it. Last year he was in first grade and we were doing another reading program recommended by a reading specialist and he became very frustrated with it as well. So this year after much prayer we jumped back to MFW 1st grade program for the language arts. Well so far, after 3 weeks it is going well! YEA! MFW! We are doing the LA, bible and science part of it and love it.

1 comment:

Lainie said...

Thank you for your words of kindness and joining the MFW blog roll. I hope we can be an encouragement to one another :D