Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't Go Breaking MY Heart

My boys were singing a song today from a movie they recently viewed. (Chicken Little) The song was at the end during the credits and it was called 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart.' Well, when they were singing it I started to sing it too. After singing it just once, God spoke a word to me about how often we break our Father's heart by not bringing our burdens to Him. Well, right after that I had to return a phone call that I really was not wanting to deal with. I prayed specifically before hand that God would give me the right words to say to this person and do my best to bring Him glory and possibly encourage this person as well. Anyways, I made the dreaded call. And it wasn't a pleasant one. I do believe God gave me the right words to say, but what came from this person put even a huger burden on me than before. After the conversation I laid my burdens before my Faithful Father who is able to carry these burdens and handle them. Right now I sit here believing that HE will work all things out for the good of those who love Him. And that He is all together lovely, altogether wonderful to me.
Precious Lord, You do hear my heart this day and I thank and praise YOU for what YOUR plans are for this situation with my (YOUR) precious daughter. God, You are all that I am and all that I need. And YOU are able to move mountains. Lord, please move this mountain...And bring my prodigal home...
In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Holding on even tighter to thee~

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