Tuesday, September 15, 2009


God has definitely been working on me with contentment. And especially right now. Yesterday I was outside getting something for my boys from the shed and when I stepped to come out of the shed my foot twisted and I heard this awful cracking noise. Well, to make a long story short. I am on crutches this week. I am not used to being out of sink like this. But, my wonderful Lord chose this path for me and I have been very humbled by it. My amazing husband and boys have been such a blessing to me. Helping with the laundry, meals, you name it. The last two days in my bible study I have been studying some people in the bible who either chose to be content or chose not to be. Oh how God has spoken to me through His word. Brings me to tears every time I think of how very blessed our life's would be if we just submitted every area of our life to the One who brought us life. This verse exclusively spoke to my heart. "LORD, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure." Psalm 61:5 This so resonated with me this morning as I cried out to my Lord. So my dear sisters if you are in a state of discontentment right now, cry out to the God who hears you. The One who has placed you right where you are at and who has a great inheritance for you. And as He promises, He will fill you with joy in His presence. Go before Him today...

Holding on tight to thee~

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