Monday, January 5, 2009

The Battles are on...

Well, if you read my post yesterday you would remember how I talked about my determination to get deeper into my Master this year. And how the battles would come. Well, they have started and I have been rebuking the old enemy all day thus far. My oldest little guy was sick this weekend with the stomach virus and messes were everywhere. I am not very good at handling messes such as these. However, I have and they are being taken care of. I haven't been very nice to my man and have been doing alot of apologizing as well. You see he has been off of work since Dec. 23 and our whole routine has been thrown off and out of wack. But, it was nice to have him home... He went back today, but not at the usual time he used to go. His hours have changed for the week and are 9-5:30 instead of 7-3:30. This is suppose to only be for a week...Please Lord, let it be...
Anyways, we were suppose to start back with home education this week. Doesn't look promising. I didn't get my quiet time this morning and it is showing. However, the boys and I had ours together. Just later than normal. And it was good...So after all is said and done I am still determined to grow deeper in my walk with the LORD. And I know He is battling for me every step of the way. PRAISE YOU LORD!


1 comment:

Tammie said...

Wow, what a great post, both yesterday and today. I am excited to see where the Lord is going to take you this your as you dig deeper into His word and knowing Him more. Keep your head up, but remember that you can still have your quiet time even with your man at home. Don't let the enemy win that battle. I say this because I know the struggles and have had to over come them as well. I will be praying for you tomorrow that the day will be more peaceful and enjoyable :)