Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another day

Well, another day and another sick little one. Last night was very interesting to say the least. Just when we thought things were looking up, Ian our 4 year old woke up vomitting all over the place on and off for most of the night. And then, early this morning when we thought Eli was doing better, he woke up crying about his head, arms and stomach hurting. Come to find out he was dehydrated. So my precious husband and I said a mighty prayer over him, put the liquids in him and I laid down beside him till daybreak. When he awoke he said "Mommy I feel better, God healed me." "And of course, HE did." I said... Now it is calm and GOD willing, our little babes will be bouncing around again tomorrow. GOD, You are my warrior and I am letting You take the battles on. I praise You, for when I am weak, You are strong. Blessed be Your name...


1 comment:

Tammie said...

It is so cool when our kids get to see first hand the work of the Lord, espically in their lives. I am praying that all the sickness is gone from your house!