Monday, August 23, 2010

A Day In The Life...Not Back to School Blog Hop week 4

Well, here we are on our final week of the "Not Back To School Blog Hop". It has been fun, inspiring and interesting to see what life is like for other homeschoolers. This week you will get to see a lot of posts of how other homeschool families do life everyday while they are learning. So cool and can't wait to see how you all do it. None of our days will look the same and I am okay with that. 
Here is a day in the life of the TenHaken's

Mom rises-6:30ish-8:00ish, physical workout (exercise) as well as spiritual workout time (Time with my Lord)
Boys rise- 8:00ish, breakfast and bible time(devotions, prayer, worship) with the Lord together.
Chore time-8:30-9:30ish- our boys have various chores other than their usual hygiene and bedroom responsibilities

Eli unloading the wash into the dryer.
For example: laundry
Both of our boys take turns doing their laundry. And I try to make sure they do that 2 times a week. The other child maybe emptying the dishwasher, emptying trash cans, dusting their room, etc.

9:30ish-boys do some exercise and get their wiggles out.

Ian doing his crunches on the exercise ball

 Gettin the wiggles out
9:45ish-The Pledge

10:00ish-Start subjects with bible time being in their first box.
Our boys are doing the Sue Patrick Workbox System and they usually have around 8-9 boxes each. On most days we are finished up by lunch time (12:00-12:30). By the way, this is our 2nd. year to use the workbox system and it has done wonders for our family. Thank You God! and thank you Sue Patrick.
Creating the Nina, Pinta and The Santa Maria

Christopher Columbus' voyage to America
Ian putting his Addition lapbook together
Some art work
After lunch the boys have free time to play with legos, catch bugs, and be creative. And we often take off and head to a favorite spot to go creeking.
Creeking at the Olentangy River
At about 3:00ish till around 3:45 we have a quiet time where the boys go to separate rooms and spend time with God, whether just looking at books or just laying and being still before the Lord. And mom gets some nice quiet time as well. AHHH...
After quiet time is over we get ready for Dad to arrive home at around 4:30 and then it's Daddy time while I prepare dinner.

That's a day in the life of our family. 
If you would like to see what other families are up to during the day click on the Not Back To School Blog Hop button on my right sidebar.

Blessings to all~


Jenny said...

Looks like fun! I love the sailing in the pool. :)

Mommy K said...

Hey, it looks like you are doing Adventures. If you have any interest, I recorded my weeks in Adventures when I started last year. I'm still working on it, but I should continue to be ahead of you. Start at Aug 2009. Good luck!!

Season of Life said...

The workbox system sounds like a great method and motivator for them to get their school done...I haven't ever looked into Sue Patrick's system. May have to venture out there to see what it's all about.

Blessings as you learn this year ~