I just have to throw a big THANK YOU! out there to Sue Patrick for her creativity to come up with this workbox system...This is only our second week with it and it has blessed our family so much...Our boys are so excited about school now. And that is a total answer to prayer! THANK YOU GOD! HIGH FIVE! to You my precious Faithful Father.
Here is a sample of one of the activities in our boys boxes.

We call it musical alphabet. I cut out large alphabet letters out of felt and I lay them all over the carpet and start the music. My boys ages 7 and 4 either hop, run or skip around until I pause the music. They have to be on a letter when the music stops. Then they take turns telling me the sound of the letter and a word that begins with that letter. They pick up the letter and put it on the couch and we keep playing until all of the letters are gone. Not only are they getting practice learning their sounds, they are also learning scripture as well. We use Integrity Musics God Rocks cds. The boys love them and they love this game...
We started the workbox system this week and so far it is going great. I have to tell you I was a little hesistant at first. My Eli age 7 is my challenge when it comes to knowing what he likes or is not going to like. One day he likes something the next day he doesn' t. So after alot of researching and praying I felt the Lord leading me to go for it. Out I went in search of the accessory rack, and shoe boxes. Found both of them at Target. The rack is $14.99 and the shoe boxes were $1.00 each. And well, it seems to be going fine. I am optimistic that this will change our days. As far as the reading goes though. Eli is still not enjoying it and gets frustrated very easily trying to sound out words. And then I get frustrated. Thank You GOD for prayer. God is certainly our strength when we get weak.
For those of you who do not know what the workbox system is, here is a link to Sue Patricks workbox system, www.workboxsystem.com.
There is also a couple of yahoo groups that just started that has a huge amount of information and ideas for workboxes. Not to mention the numerous blogs about them.
Here's the yahoo groups, Workbox_fun and workboxes.
This system is basically an organizational system for your school day. A four tier accessory rack with up to 12 plastic shoe boxes for your school work. It has definitely helped me to be more organized in what we are doing and will be doing next. And the boys are doing more independent work, learning responsibility, having fun and getting their work done as well. So we all win! And I am feeling much more productive in the end. We don't do school on Fridays simply because Eli does an art class in the morning away from home. So we do more errands, library, chores and play time on Fridays. But, my little Ian age 4 got up this morning and went to our homeschool room and let out "our boxes aren't filled up Mommy!" I guess that means he likes them too...